Micro Session

During this one-time 60-80 minute session you will:

  • Gain a new understanding of all the different areas of your life that affect your health and you will pick one area to focus on improving

  • Explore why your area of focus is important to you and your readiness to make a change 

  • Leave the session with a clear goal, 1 to 2 action steps to start on your own, resources if needed, and a game plan for potential roadblocks

What is Integrative Health Coaching? 

Are there health behavior changes that you’ve wanted to make but either haven’t known how or haven’t been successful in the past? Has a new health concern arisen that you want to pay particular attention to? 

Health coaching effectively motivates and supports health behavior through a structured partnership between the client and coach. The coach helps the client develop and realize their optimal health vision through inquiry, personal discovery and accountability. 

Why is it effective in helping people realize their optimal health?

  • A Coach’s responsibility is to help identify what stage of change you are in and accept meet them where they are at.

  • Coaches work with the whole person. They listen to your concerns about ask powerful questions to help motivate you to make the changes you desire. 

  •  Coaches spend time exploring what is most important to your health and allow you to choose your course of action.

  • Coaches guide you through a process to maximize the possibility of your success.

  • You and your coach work in partnership to identify obstacles to change and create strategies for moving forward toward your goals.

  • Coaches provide additional resources for making healthy behavior changes.